DJ Cafe
Thursday 8th September 2022
2:30 pm to
4:30 pm
repeats every 2 weeks
If, like me, you have a lifetime’scollection of music that you rarely find an opportunity to play any more, thenthis could be the group for you!
The sessions are intended as a social get-togetherfor all U3A members for whom music is an important factor in their lives. Wewill try to re-live and share some of the times from our past – maybe which wespent clustered around a jukebox, or crowded into a record-shop booth, tuned-into the late-night radio, or even at a live concert – listening to the very ‘latestsounds’ from all our favourite artistes.
In a relaxed, cafe-style atmosphere, I willprovide the refreshments and the equipment – all that you need to do is tobring along a couple of music tracks for us to play (either on vinyl 33/45,cassette, CD or mp3) and to be prepared to talk briefly about your choices overa cup of tea or coffee. To give each session a little bit of focus (and to helpyou make those choices) there will be a simple theme for each session: e.g.‘The 60’s’ or ‘Female Singers’. All musical genres are welcome, so there willbe an ‘educational’ element for all of us as well!
If you’re interested (or just curious), pleasecontact Frank on 07796 864215 or at (You need to be a U3A member to join).