Wildlife in Woodlands

Saturday 3rd June 2023
10:00 am to
2:00 pm

Explore and discover the wildlife sharing our space with us here in Woodlands.

A free event…donations gratefully accepted.

All welcome

Light lunch provided


Team 1: “Welcome… Bugs this way”  … following on from the success of the small bug hotel building as part of the Easter at the Hall event…

Come and help as build a large bug hotel in the garden of the Village Hall… it will become home to all sorts of mini beasts.

Find out about who might make their home here with us.


Team 2: It's all about the Birds… what makes a good place for birds to raise their young.

Help the team make and decorate some bird boxes and find out about why different birds are very picky about their homes.

Cook up some bird grub with the team and discover what makes a good meal for a bird …

and why we should help them, even in Woodlands, when there seems to be so much food for them.


Team 3: Insect Safari …. so who is living in our garden?

Come and join in with our safari into the “wilds” of the Village Hall garden and find butterflies, beetles …and who knows what else.

Practice identifying who you have found and learn about where they like to live.


Possible Team 4: Scavanger Hunt… based on trees and leaves, flowers and seeds.  To be deveoped. 


Team 5: Warm Welcome lunch… light lunch provided of vegetable soups and bread (including gluten free) and cheese… with cheese and tomato pizzas for the little ones if they prefer.

And the legendary WVH cake fairies will be providing delicious cakes.

Teas and coffees and soft drinks.

Free WiFi available.

All welcome, including accompanied children of all ages.

To book you free place, email woodlandsvillagehall@gmail.comor phone +447462 570117.