Woodlands Village Cider Press
Saturday 1st October 2022
12:00 pm to
6:00 pm
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our first Community Cider Press in Woodlands. We expect for the day to be full of apples and laughter. The event timings are below. However, everything depends on the weather and the amount of apples we have. So some things might evolve (or devolve) accordingly.
12 noon - Start pressing, fortified by fresh apple juice and mulled cider
2pm - Lunch (soup, bread, cheese and cake)
3pm - Apple Games
4pm - Back to pressing, accompanied by fire pit baked potatoes, apples and s'mores
6pm - Wrap up
- Can be dropped off at the hall on Thursday, 29th September from 3.30pm-5.30pm
- Alternatively, we can collect them from your driveway, you just need to let us know in advance.
- Your own cup (not glass) to drink juice or cider.
- Rubber gloves, if you want to get your hands dirty and experience the day to the full
- At least 6 x 750ml plastic bottles to take home with you. These could be re-used juice or milk containers.
- Please wear sturdy footwear, especially if it is wet.
This is a FREE but ticketed event, with a limited number of participants. If you are interested in attending, please email jsurnina@hotmail.com.
Children are very welcome.
Well behaved dogs are expected!