Woodlands Flower and Arts Festival
Sunday 30th June 2024
12:00 pm to
6:00 pm
Woodlands Church of the Ascension (supported byWoodlands Village Hall)
Woodlands Flower and Arts Festival
A celebration of creativity with Flowers, Arts and Crafts.
Bringing beauty to the village whilst raising funds to support
and preserve our historic building.
“He has made everything beautiful in its time” Ecclesiastes 3:11
Dates: Saturday 29th June 2024 & Sunday 30th June 2024
Exhibition at the church: 12 noon until 6 pm each day.
Teas and stalls at the Village Hall: 1 pm until 5 pm each day
Church of the Ascension is an 1892 Grade II listed building in the tranquil village of Woodlands. The church was designed by one of the greatest church architects of the time, Sir George F Bodley, a leading Gothic Revivalist. It was given as a gift by the Countess of Shaftesbury in memory of her husband the 8th Earl of Shaftesbury. The building has some interesting architectural and historic features including the very unusual three central columns, ornate stained glass, a large Saxon font and wall murals hand painted by the first Priest in Charge.
For many years, Church of the Ascension held a popular Flower Festival organised by a band of loyal parishioners and helpers. We now wish to combine that tradition with a new expression of celebrating creativity by including local arts and crafts. The Flower and Arts Festival will bring beauty to the village of Woodlands and help us to raise vital funds to support and preserve our beautiful and historic church.
Tracey Black, Churchwarden Tel 07968214663 email tracey@downton.net