Relaxation Workshop

Sunday 5th May 2024
1:30 pm to
5:30 pm

·      Fun RELAXATION afternoon workshopon Sunday 5th May from 1.30-5.30pm

·      Cost £40  

·      EARLY BIRD OFFER £35 – if bookedbefore Sunday 24th March

·      Minimum age 18

·      Booking essentialas numbers limited due to small group work.

·      Need to bring yogamat/blanket/pillow or cushion etc for own comfort if required & waterbottle!

·      Simple refreshments provided –tea, coffee, etc.

·      Contact Tiffany tobook / for further details on dtbrine@gmail.comor call / text / WhatsApp me on 07966 696271

·       To find out more about Tiffany, follow the link: