Community Apple and Cider Fest
Saturday 7th October 2023
12:00 pm to
4:00 pm
We are looking forward to welcoming you at our second Community Apple and Cider Fest in Woodlands.
We were lucky with the weather last year and hope that this year there will also be plenty of sunshine for our apple chopping, pressing, drinking and eating activities.
The timings for the day are as following:
12noon – Start pressing, fortified by fresh apple juice
2pm- Lunch (soup, bread, cheese and cake)
3pm- Apple Games and bottling up your juice
4pm– Wrap up
1. Can be dropped off behind the hall on Thursday, 5th October.
2. We can also collect apples from your garden in the run up to the event, please letus know in advance.
3. Alternatively, you can bring your apples on the day. Please be aware that all apples will be mixed before the press. Therefore, we cannot produce a “single garden” press.
4. If you don’t have your own apples, but would still like to participate, fret not, we will have plenty of apples for you to press.
5. If you live in Woodlands and have apples, but cannot participate, choose one of the first three options from above. We will add your apples to the press and drop off the juice at yours after the event. Please let us know in advance.
· Can be collected onthe day of the press
· We can drop the juice at yours after the event (only for Woodlands residents)
· Your own cup (not glass) to drink juice or cider.
· Rubber gloves, if you want to get your hands dirty and experience the day to the full
· At least 6 x 750ml plastic bottles to take home with you. These could be re-used juice or milk containers.
· Please wear sturdy footwear, especially if it is wet.
Children are very welcome.
Well behaved dogs are expected!